Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gotta Catch Up!

I've been so busy having a good time and taking pictures, I haven't kept up my blog!!  Well, it's 12:15 AM, so this will be a fast catch up.

We traveled from Kenny Lake Campground to Homestead RV Campground in Palmer, AK.  What a simply beautiful trip.  It took us through the Mat-Su Valley.  One of the prettiest stretches yet.  We stopped at Glacier View, AK and had lunch at the Grandview Restaurant.  The mountain goats were easily seen threw their binocs.  It was an overcast day, but the photos are still beautiful.  It was just a great trip, not too long, and we caught up with PAL for a joyous reunion!  The Homestead has fabulous views too.  Check the slide show following for the pix of Mat-Su.  Gotta get some shut eye.  Off to Hatcher Pass tomorrow!

Roger and Anita caught up with us this afternoon, and we'll all be together again!

From the MABarry - over and out!

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