Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm Back!!!!

Happy Birthday yesterday to my little bitty baby girl, Meggie!  Sorry I missed it, but I was thinking of you all day.

Haven't been able to post since we left Denali!  Several reasons for the delay.  Number one we have not had a satellite connection, and number two, I've been ill AGAIN with the same old stuff that I had at the beginning of our adventure.  For two weeks now, I've been hacking, sneezing, wheezing, joking, coughing and blowing!  Nice, eh?  Now PaL have a cold and are feeling a bit under the weather. 

I've written a few posts about our last stops, but they're on Barry's computer, so as soon as I can post them I will.  We're still seeing grizzlie bears, saw one tonight, must have been the biggest and brownest yet.  Camera couldn't catch him fast enuf, but I tried!  

It's into Skagway tomorrow.  Since my last post we have been to FAIRBANKS, CHICKEN, BOUNDARY, DELTA, DAWSON CITY, TOMBSTONE AND NOW IN CARMACK.  I've left out several - it's late and my brain fails to respond sometimes!  Hopefully I can get the saner posts on line tomorrow. 

from the MABarry - over and out!

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