Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gotta Catch Up - Again!

Well, here it is June 28, and I've fallen behind again.  We're indeed in Seward.  A great little town.  We were intending to leave today, but have decided to stay put until after the 4th.  We've been promised big stuff here for the celebration.  Will keep you posted (I hope).  Since we've been here, Roger and Anita moved on to Homer, we've visited the Seavey's Ididaride Camp (a must see for anyone in this area),

the Marine and Sea Life Museum, a tour of a Navy war ship that had docked in port, we've walked into the town of Seward, a charming town, we've walked to the dock area, a thriving suburb of Seward,  we found the local pub and joined in the pub-ery, and it has taken Barry two days of hangover to get over.  I'm glad I was the designated walker. He had a hard time staying on the sidewalk!!! 

The campground where we are staying is packed with RVs.  So much so, that people catch you on the drive and ask if you're leaving, almost every time you go out.  The RV camp is strung out along the shores of Resurrection Bay, and is four levels deep. 

When we pulled in, we were behind PaL and they had captured a waterside site.  Nice.  Larry said there was a paper in the site slot, but it appeared the people had left.  We parked directly in back of him (no waterside slots available).  We also had a paper in the slot, but we moved the paper to the empty slot next to us.  Roger and Anita had to park several sites down from us.  Just as we get all unhooked and set up, along comes a coach and the driver told us we had his site!  He was kind enough to take the site that was empty.  We actually became friendly enuf that they provided me with four big fresh salmon steaks caught that day!  I pan seared them covered with minced lemons and were they good!  Fine! Yum, yum!

Larry, was also forced out of his site!  The renters were not so accommodating, and since it was the end of the day, it was a disaster trying to find a site, but of course they did. 

We had a nice fire going in the fire pits provided along the shore, and it did knock off some of the chill.  We watched little sea otters bouncing up and down in the water, diving for clams and lying on their backs eating them.  It does get so cold on the bank of the bay.  Wind rides down the glacier mountainside, across the fjord, and right up your pantsleg!  brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

PaL are now beside us and we are snuggled in until next Tuesday, the 5th of July.  It's a fun town, very lively around the docks (except when the electricity goes out).  The restaurants had to all close with the lack of power.  A very few had generators.  There is a Safeway store here that sits at the base of a mountain.  It's all concrete block and looks like the gold vault at Ft. Knox.  It would take a terrific disaster to do serious damage. 

There was a 7.2 earthquake in the Aleutians, Dutch Harbor, I think.  At first there were tsunami warnings, but they were canceled.  We didn't know about it, nor did we feel it.  We understand that the campground hosts were going RV to RV with evacuation notices.  We didn't see them - they probably had called off the psunami warning before they got to our RV.

That's about it right now.  Got to get ready for the boat trip!

from the MABarry - over and out!


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