Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'll Taze Your Face

We jump started our day and got a good start to the Air Force Commissary.  We were pretty sure we could find it - it's kind of a huge place in Anchorage.  With Larry as the GPS how could we go wrong?  Ah, there it is, but the sign said Army base.  That's ok, it's a joint operation base.  Head for the security gate.  The guard okeyed Barry's credentials, and asked for ID on the rest of us.  Hmmmmmm something different.  He was satisfied and was about to dismiss us.  Larry wanted to know what the weapon-like gun in his hand was for.  He had scanned our ID's with it for a quick search of any records on file.

The guard then told Larry that what he had was combo scanner and tazer, and if the driver doesn't satisfy his demands he'd taze your face!  Barry asked which way to the Commissary, and we had turned too soon.  We made a quick U-turn.  We had to get back on the highway and take the next exit.  Somehow that struck everybody's funny bone, and away we went. We breezed right through security at the second gate.  Look out commissary here comes Barry on a mission. 

The first thing we did wrong was shop on an empty stomach - danger, danger.  Barry then decided we would shop for the entire rest of the trip!!!!....sigh.  While I was picking through the fruit and fresh veggies, Barry was filling the basket with his idea of food.  Six bags of chips, boxes of popcorn, crackers, bologna, cheese, a very large summer sausage and mayo.  That was all he needed.  Yea, for today's intake.  I stocked up on as much water as I thought we could hold, celery, carrots, potatoes, and lettuce.  Lots of fruit.  We've learned not to do to much frozen food.  Our little freezer just can't hold much.  And.... after this commissary run, we've learned NOT TO SHOP ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!  

We decided it would be a good thing to go back to the RV and unload and as we pulled into the Campground, who did we see but Roger on the pay phone!!!  We unloaded our groceries, and turned the rest of the day into a happy hour!  We spent a lot of time hoping the moose would return, and with binocs and telephoto lens, it was all in vain.

A side note.  People in general are soooooo friendly!  It's a boon for Barry - he can find out more stuff about people and what they might know then a flea finds a dog.  He'll sometimes disappear and just as I'm getting concerned he'll turn up.  He always has the latest gossip and local news!  It's great in a way, but it scares me that he's so easily sidetracked! 

Well I think just about sums up the big day at the Air Force Commissary, aren't you glad you stayed with it?  I think I'll post some of the pix with this blog that I haven't shown yet. 

from the MABarry....over and out!

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