Thursday, July 7, 2011

Time to Say Farewell to Seward....sigh....

July 5, 2011, 2:56 PM`

We are leaving Seward. What a great time we had - until this morning! Barry was negotiating a turn in a parking lot and made a miscalculation. Unfortunately, we hit a car and did some damage to the right rear light and fender. No structural damage was done to our RV, but I’m sure the owner of the car will not be happy. We left all our information in a note. It’s really a sickening feeling when something like this happens. The sound of it was even worse…it sound like heavy metal being ground up (probably on fiberglass). PandL had trouble hitching up Toad, but we’re now motoring up Seward highway toward Moose Pass, AK. We’ll spend a night there then on to Homer.

Two things to note. (1) Do not miss Seward, AK - stay a few days with your RV parked on the Resurrection Bay. I don’t know if we met any “locals” but we met a heck of a lot of chatty people! Everyone seemed to be from all over Alaska - everywhere but Seward. (2) Expect rudeness. Not from fellow Rvers and not from local shops, but from other tourists milling about the shops and restaurants. Just don’t let the camaraderie of your trip be breached by these people. Rvers usually are very laid back. Enuf said.

Things that stand out in my mind about Seward? Fun atmosphere , J little town, bustling ships’ port, J hundreds of shops and restaurant per square foot, J fantastic hiking, J close proximity of everything to RV Campgrounds, J Price of groceries L The best breakfast is at the Smoke House, they open at 8:AM and you want to be there early to get your name on the waiting list! Breakfast is a really big deal in Alaska. As Larry put it ”Breakfast is one of my favorite meals - right up there in the top three!” (a Larry-ism). The Smoke House has good pulled pork for lunch too. If you go grocery shopping try the Safeway. Before you start putting items in your basket and expiring from the price shock, get a Safeway card. It will help some.

Best place to spend time? Well hands down it’s the trails, but if your not in all the physical stuff, Yukon Bar isn’t bad. It seems to be a local hangout, and you can really soak up the story there. There is a nice Marine Animal Preserve and Museum that is dedicated to the history and salvation of the marine population in the area. There is an interesting museum of the history of Seward that I enjoyed Actually, I didn’t get to spend as much time in there as I would have. (old and slow). There is an all Russian gift shop! If you want Alaska on everything you buy, there are lots of gift shops to help you.

To our chagrin, Phyllis and I could not find one pin for our collections that had Mt. Marathon Marathon on it. We sure found every other form of Alaskan pins. They are beauts! There are bears, moose, dog sleds, poppins, flowers, you name it.

In prior blogs I mentioned the super terrific glacier tour we had. If I do no more tours then that one, I won’t be sad. It was GREAT! Of course, that doesn’t mean I would turn down a Kodiak bear flight seeing tour! I just can’t justify the dogsled runs on dry land. It just seems to me that it such a heavy far to warm for those dogs to pull such a heavy load in the 60+ degree weather. I really enjoyed watching the videos of the dogs doing what they loved to do even in inhumane conditions.

As we were winding down for a good night’s sleep, the phone rang and it was the fellow who’s car we hit. He was such a nice guy! Our insurance should cover him 100%. But he was still a gracious gentleman about it all.

The one thing we didn’t find in Seward were Mom and Pop sticky buns. Alas, they had bakeries that carried them, but they were too “perfect” looking. The challenge for the best buns rolls on!

From the MABarry - over and out!

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