Thursday, July 7, 2011

On the Way to Homer.from Moose Pass.

On Way to Homer

The four of us had decided that we would get a good breakfast before we headed out to Homer. Barry remembered a place in Moose Pass that might be good, so we went to bed with the intentions of arising early enuf to get breakfast!

Barry had set the alarm for 7:30, which seemed reasonable at the time. When the alarm went off, it was the old turn it off, turn over, go back to sleep. At some time later, Barry jumped out of bed yelling! It was Larry at the door and they were very ready. So I started getting ready - Barry had said 10 minutes. He came back and asked if I was ready, sure I said I didn’t need ten minutes to wash my face and teeth and put on my threads. No, no, said he, we’re leaving in ten minutes and breaking camp! Luckily I hadn’t pulled a bunch of stuff out the night before, so I was still ready. A new world’s record - bed to road 10 minutes!

We had a nice breakfast, and hit the trail for Homer, AK. A brand new venue. Something really different - not knowing what to expect. The drive was beautiful. Lots of rivers and streams just off the glaciers with the beautiful water. We pulled into Homer and it was a complete surprise to me. It already was much bigger then Seward, and kind of strip malls and junk.

Then we saw the RV Campground. Again a city owned piece of property running along the water. It was gorgeous. We spied the Toad, and made our way down. Very nice, very clean. No markers or sites were defined, it was assumed that everyone would respect the neighboring RV’s space. The site next to PandL was empty so we started backing in. Barry being Barry, had to give it several tries before he was satisfied with the angle he was backing. I was standing on the spot he was to shoot for (my job). Suddenly, from nowhere came this little portly man all red in the face. He ran straight up to my face, looked up and said we could not park there. Here I was trying to direct Barry and listen to this curmudgeon. Barry’s hand were flailing…with the lip reading acumen I have acquired, his lips weren’t uttering niceties, either. I tried to be reserved with the leprechaun and asked him excuse me, why in the world could we not park there? That space belonged to his brother in law! Excuse me, there’s no identification that it has been reserved by anyone.

On and on this went with Barry’s arms flailing about - don’t come to my defense just flail your arms - remember I can lip read. I threw my hands up and little Mr. Banty Rooster zipped over to Barry. Fine. Why did I have to be involved at all in the first place? Of course, it was all resolved “man to man” and short stuff began to make nice nice with Barry and Larry, and I retreated to the RV to do my setting up exercises. 

One of the primary reasons for getting to Homer on Wednesday, was to catch “Hobo Jim” in Homer! Unfortunately Hobo Jim was unable to perform last night (Tuesday) or tonight (Wednesday). He had been involved in an accident, broke three ribs and had tried to perform Sunday in Seward. We watched and wept as he grimaced in pain throughout the set. Well, we tried.

Barry walked the furry fuzz balls and they were just as happy as ever in their new setting…do they really know that we’re in a different city? The truck and their beds still smell the same, the RV (very unfortunately) still smells the same…how do they know?

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