Friday, July 1, 2011

What Happened to the End of Your Nose?

Barry and Phyllis and Larry decided to take a hike up the Marathon Mountain.  They were NOT going to cover the dangerous trail run and climbed by the Mt. Marathon entrants.  I abstained – knowing NO WAY was I going to be able to negotiate that path.  Hours later they returned triumphant!  (Very sore, tired and hungry, but triumphant)  They had hiked, climbed, and clawed their way 2,000 feet to the “bowl” of the mountain.  Pictures of the hike are on Phyllis’ Facebook page but I’ll try to “borrow” them for this blog for those of you who haven’t leaned a little farther and signed up.

The peak is actually 2900 feet, but they were happy to stop at that point.  It certainly was not an easy “hike” and at one point the challenge was so dangerous that it stirred a panic in Phyllis and doubt in Barry.  Narrow trails that you dared not fall from, steep climbs of at least 45 degrees and rugged footwork played a part in the terror.

This mountain obviously attracts those with a strong death wish!  The trails are not groomed; indeed the trails are barely trails.  Tree roots and vines cover much of the trail, and loose rocks cover the rest.  The person trying this mountain’s trails would need a very fit body to make it.  Larry is fairly fit, he and Phyllis hike frequently, Phyllis is fit, but that leaves the third member of their party – Barry.  I wouldn’t call Barry fit by a long shot.  I wouldn’t even call Barry fit with a rifle to my temple – but one thing I would call him is determined!  He related that once he got acclimated to the pain, that it was a bit easier.  The pain didn’t go away; it just paled in the face of the rigorous effort it took to keep going! 

Needless to say we were all proud of the accomplishment – and trust me, it was an accomplishment.  They may not be ready to do the Mt. Marathon, but by golly, they did do Mt. Marathon!  Huge kudos to the three of them.  The rest of the day was spent basking in the laurels of the feat!  The next day, yesterday was spent just basking and basting blisters and tired muscles.  Congrats to the three of you.  What will you do next?

From the MABarry – over and out!

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