Saturday, July 9, 2011

You Just Can't Get a Bad Meal

There may be some things the four of us don't agree on, but the absolute point that we all agree on is food!  With prices the way they are, our careful picks of restaurants mean it better be at least an eight on the scale to ten.  We rate them on breakfasts and lunches.  Since we're just NOT going to leave the option to a toss of the dice, careful and thorough investigation is involved before we approach an eatery.  Larry gets a recommendation on his travel tips web site, we peruse the site, we count the number of cars in the parking lot and if it passes this far, we take a close look at the menu.  The menu has to pass too.  Does it have a diversified offering?  Is there a meal that is greasy enough to fill Barry's needs? Is there a nutritious offering that will please Phyllis? Are the desserts tempting enough for MA?  If all this falls into place, Larry is happy enough to pick his poison, and always comes out on top! 

Don't forget the fact that the car count is almost utmost in importance.  If there are only three cars in the parking lot, we know those belong to the employees, and we wave as we pass by.  Now the hard part begins when you count up to six cars.  What time of day is it?  Should there be more cars, or is the quota satisfactory?  If, of course, there are more then 30 cars then that's a problem too. 

So you can see that you can't just jump in the old bus and drive into any old eatery.  This all takes time, planning, coordination and a need for a meal!  When all else fails you just drive around until you find a parking lot that will accommodate the truck and hope for the best.  But, and it's a big but, we have been careful enough so far that we have not gotten a single meal that we couldn't eat!!!!  And, if you are really really careful, you might be able to either eat a late enough breakfast that you won't need lunch, and you have munchies for dinner; or you eat a late lunch and you're fixed until morning!  Works for me!!!!  You know you can get almost the same meal for lunch that they serve for dinner at a much reduced price. 

We were discussing that today.  We knew this particular restaurant had King Crab Legs for an entree last night.  What would they do with the leftovers, have crab patties for lunch, or cream of crab as a soup, Larry offered the idea of creamed crab on a shingle - it just takes a little ingenuity and patience...and a strong constitution.  Barry and Phyllis are not fish eaters for the most part, and having a whole fish brought out on a platter wouldn't be the ethical thing to do, so we look for filets, squares, or sandwiches. 

When we we in Seward, our neighbor gave us a large amount of salmon they had caught that day.  It was delicious!  To die for!!!  But it took me four days and three cans of airwick to tone down the smell.  It was so bad that even I could smell it.  Of course the dogs were nervous wrecks since they could smell it and not find it.  Finally the old dirty dog smell overcame the fish smell, and everything in the RV was back to normal.

If you find yourself hungry in Homer, don't miss "Fat Olive," or "Cosmic Kitchen" or "Sourdough Express" or "Two Sisters' Bakery."  Go with no schedule because the food is prepared from scratch, nothing out of the can, and the wait is so worth it.

We met lots of interesting people today.  Can't recall meeting any bores.  But we got tips for Denali from a couple that had been there - and they were headed for the place we had just been, so we traded tips.  We got new neighbors - from Kentucky too - and they gave us some tips on food in Homer that we haven't tried.  They also told us where to go tomorrow to find Bald Eagles and (not bald) Moose. There appears to be a lot of retirees in Homer that spend their Summers in Homer and Winter in Arizona.  Not a shabby way to live if your bank roll is up to it!

I've attached pictures that we took today.  Yes, there are lots of mountains and snow - hey!  It's Alaska, wadda you expect alligators and bayous?  The clouds were low again today, but much heavier, and made for more interesting studies!


From the MABarry - over and out!

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