Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Eastward Bound - Chippewa NF, MN

A last breakfast at the Cornerstone Restaurant.  yum.  I ate so much that I knew I wouldn't be hungry for the rest of the day, and I was right!  As we were headed back to the RV we noticed the visitors' center was open.  You betcha - I had to browse.  The volunteer manning the center was a very friendly and chatty person.  He explained that he had a cousin that lived in Alaska, and even in the darkest part of the year, it wasn't really pitch black dark.  The moon shining on the snow makes for a very bright night!  He probably would have talked all day if I had stayed, but I had brochures in my hand.  My eyes were also poised on a different pin he had.  I had to have it!  Another $2.95, but so worth the money!  That little visitors' center there at the corner of Highways 2 and 3 had maps and materials from almost all the States in the Union and a few from Canada too!  I freshened my collection and we trucked on back to the RV.  The dogs knew the inevitable when I started picking things up from the floor, and then when I started bringing in the slides they were ready for their beds in the truck.  All Barry had to say then (since I had them all prepped) was, get in the truck and they all three happily trotted to the truck door waiting to be lifted into their heavenly beds for a long nap.

We headed East on Highway 2, and as far as I knew we had no plan, just head East on Highway 2 and make a decision somewhere when we had to.  Now this might appeal to a lot of people, but not me.  I really like to know where I'm going.  I like to look ahead at what the destination has to offer, and a glance at what it might be.  sigh. 

Our destination soon became evident as the clock ticked on and we passed town after town, and a state too.  Let me tick a few off as they were really holding my interest: Ball Club, Minnesota, Grand Rapids, birthplace of Judy Garland (it also boasts an American Legion Campground in a suburb called Warba, MN.)  Then there was Flandwood and Catfish (which sported a giant replica of a catfish as long as half a football stadium and proportionately as high, complete with lots of teeth, a real Kodak moment that I missed.)  sigh. We passed the headwaters of the Mississippi, and marveled at the tiny stream that became the mighty Mississippi down the road.   There was Duluth, MN with its huge bridges.  Before I knew it we were in Procter, WI, home of a entire Navy plane on a pole, maybe 200 feet off the ground.  wow.  Through some more marshland and we were in the Chippewa National Forest.  That became our destination. 

After some false starts toward our site, we found our home for the night.  An absolutely beautiful area, on a lake (of course, one of the thousands of lakes that spilled over from Minnesota's land of 10,000 lakes).  We had power for the night and were very happy to rest our domes on the pillows.  Next morning was a late start - why not if you don't exactly know where you're going.  I knew we would eventually land in Huntley, IL to visit Barry's sister and brother in law, and I knew we would stay for a couple of weeks in Goodfield so Barry could visit with his mother.  We had to be there for Sept 23, as that would be her 90th birthday.  This much I knew...did I need more?  Actually no, because I just didn't want to think of re-entering society! 

So I just washed my face and slathered on some night cream to fill in some of the ridges and valleys on it.  Good night sleep tight see you in the AM.

from the MABarry - over and out

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